Andrew: Hello readers! We're bringing you something a little different tonight in lieu of a review or any movie news. Our friend Nick over at The Cinematic Katzenjammer is hosting a blogathon this month where he's asked fellow bloggers to post about the most messed up movies they've ever seen and share it with him.
So we're taking this opportunity to introduce a new column we like to call A Six Pack Of... where, you guess it, we'll pick a topic and talk about six things about that topic (like I'm sure we'll eventually get to A Six Pack Of... Our Favorite Johnny Depp Movies, *wink*).

1.) Haute Tension a.k.a. High Tension (2003) – My
introduction to the New French Extremity movement, when Alexandre Aja's High Tension was first
released on DVD in the U.S. in 2005 it became the first DVD I purchased on
reputation alone and I’m glad I did. Not only was I horrified by what The
Killer does to Alex’s family, but I was totally caught off-guard by the
conclusion, plus this was the film that introduced me to my favorite active
band, Muse. But yeah, The Killer’s introduction, the havoc he wreaks in the
cottage and how he uses his circular saw are scenes I’ll never forget.
2.) Inside (2007) – Another New French Extremity film, I first saw
this movie in a Modern Horror Films class in college, and I vividly remember
two particular things about it to this day: 1.) My professor showed it with 45
minutes left in class and said anyone who didn’t think they could stomach it
could leave early, and the entire auditorium left except for me, three guys and
one girl; and 2.) The climactic scene where the crazy woman gives an impromptu
C-section to the pregnant Sarah, taking Sarah’s baby for her own.

4a.) Imprint (2006) & 4b.) Cigarette Burns (2005) - I'm cheating a little bit here by including these two entries in Showtime's Masters of Horror anthology but they deserve to be lumped in together. I had read about how Showtime decided to never
air Takashi Miike's entry in the anthology, Imprint, in the United States which naturally piqued my interest. For most of the film I
wondered why, because there wasn’t much I hadn’t seen before, but when the
conclusion comes around it becomes abundantly clear why Showtime made their
decision. It’s not common for me to literally say, “Wtf?” when watching a
horror film, but this one did. (I think my friend Eileen, who watched it with
me, would certainly agree.) With John Carpenter's Cigarette Burns, much like Imprint, while I enjoyed where the film was heading, I wasn’t really horrified by what was happening until the climax when someone uses a projector in a way I’ve never seen before.
5.) The Last House on the Left (Original 1972 version and the 2009
remake) – I've seen both Wes Craven's original version (his first directorial effort, as it were) and the remake, and in both the infamous rape scene is obviously disturbing for the lingering
shots and realistic depiction, but it’s actually the acts of revenge Mari’s
parents exact on their child’s murderers that stuck with me, particularly when
Mari’s mother turns one of the killer’s into less of a man. (It’s the best way
I can put it.)
6.) I Spit On Your Grave (2010 remake version) – Much like The
Last House on the Left, the rape scene in this film is tough to handle.
I haven’t seen the original 1978 version, which I’ve heard is just as tough to
watch, but I’d find it hard to believe the ways Jennifer kills her assailants
could be any more creative or messed up as here. Again, the most messed up part
is when Jennifer turns one of her rapists into less of a man.
Honorable Mentions:
Teeth (2007) – Vagina dentata! ‘Nuff said. (Anyone else
noticing a trend here with what I find to be truly horrifying?)
Saw (2004) - I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that I
didn’t truly start my love affair with horror movies until my senior year of
high school in 2004 when I heard about this independent horror film that was causing waves on the internet for reasons we all probably know by now. Of course I had seen other
horror movies and enjoyed them, but this was the first time I saw a movie that
made me go “Wtf?!”
Fever (2002) and Hostel (2005) by Eli Roth get honorable mention, too, for making me cringe many, many times each time I watch
P.S. We'd like to thank Nick for giving us the thumbs up on sort of adopting his Pick Six columns. Also, if there are any movies you've seen that aren't on this list that YOU found to be messed up, let us know in the comments! I may not have seen it yet and I'd love to hear suggestions!
P.S. We'd like to thank Nick for giving us the thumbs up on sort of adopting his Pick Six columns. Also, if there are any movies you've seen that aren't on this list that YOU found to be messed up, let us know in the comments! I may not have seen it yet and I'd love to hear suggestions!
Photo Courtesies: Cinematic Katzenjammer, IMDb, Tumblr, Wikipedia
What?! No Devil's Rejects or House of 1,000 Corpses? You screamed. LIKE. A. GIRL. (compliment as you know how loud my girls scream) watching those.
ReplyDeleteAre you sure it was me who screamed during those? lol
DeleteAnd while those were messed up movies, they just didn't quite make the cut. Good calls though! I forgot about them!
Very cool list. That girl in Audition could make both Freddy and Jason cry. Oh and bring the Girl back from Teeth for another movie. That made me wince but the guys in it were A-holes so I didn't feel bad for them. I still need to see Inside even though that might mess me up
ReplyDeleteThe girl from Audition is so twisted. Seriously, the sound she makes when she's using those needles is maybe even worse than the sight of the needles.
DeleteAnd good point about Teeth, they definitely deserved it. But that's still pretty messed up, lol
Highly suggest Inside. It's probably in my top ten if I did a list of the best horror films I've seen from the last decade. Scratch that, it's definitely in the top ten.
"A Clockwork Orange" for me, from Sir Stanley Kubrick, sick and twisted and weird and other crazy adjectives im sure work for this movie.
ReplyDeleteGood call, I forget about that movie sometimes. But the treatment they put Alex through in that movie is messed up for sure, plus all the "ultra-violence?" Messed up for sure.
DeleteGreat list! Especially Audition and Inside, they are such creepy and disturbing movies. I'd include Martyrs on mine, that is one sick film. Also Human Centipede - I skipped the sequel fearing it may be ever worse.
ReplyDeleteMartyrs and Human Centipede are two that I've always meant to catch. I should probably watch the latter on Netflix one of these nights when Sarah is working. I can't find Martyrs anywhere though :S
DeleteThis is a great topic, even though I haven't seen any of the movies on the list! (Saw III doesn't count because I closed my eyes and covered my ears most of the time - what a baby, I know...). I would add "Inland Empire" (and other David Lynch movies for that matter) and Roman Polanski's "The Tenant".
ReplyDeleteConsider "Inland Empire" and "The Tenant" added to my list of movies to see then!