Directed By:
Peter Jackson (The Lord of the Rings trilogy)
Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Richard Armitage
PG-13 for extended sequences of intense fantasy violence, and frightening
Run Time:
2 hours, 49 minutes
An unadventurous hobbit named Bilbo Baggins (Freeman) is sucked into taking
part in a mission by Gandalf the Grey (McKellen), to help the dwarf prince
Thorin Oakenshield (Armtiage) and his company of dwarves march to their former home
in the Lonely Mountain and take it back from an evil dragon.
(Editor's Note: This is our longest review to date. If you're not familiar with our review style, the following is a transcription of our actual conversation about the movie immediately after we saw it. Fair warning - we talked for 40 minutes. Normally we go no longer than 20. Enjoy the review!)
Hello readers! Last night Sarah and I were fortunate enough to catch an advance
screening of Peter Jackson’s highly anticipated return to Middle Earth, TheHobbit: An Unexpected Journey. It is the first part of Jackson’s new
film adaptation trilogy of J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit,” Sarah’s all-time
favorite book.
Now, this isn’t one that
we’ve had a chance to really delve into and preview on our site yet, though we
have talked about it in some columns prior to this, and we recently recorded an
episode of the As You Watch podcasts as guests again, talking exclusively
about The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy. That
will be coming out sometime next week.
But we’re going to talk
about this in a full review right here, and I get the feeling that this is
going to be a bit of a lengthy one. So Sarah, like I just said, this is your
favorite book, bar none, and we’ve had some hesitations and some excitement
heading in. Now that we’ve seen it, what did you think of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey?
I actually want to know what you thought of it first.
Alright. I would say that…hmm…I guess in sort of a general sense, it’s a good
movie but it’s not a great movie, and it certainly does not compare to The
Lord of the Rings. Now, this is partially because the source material
is more of a children’s book. It’s a 300 page book…
Not even.
It’s a quick read. And so a lot of the material for this film was also a bit
light-hearted. This particular film is definitely more of a set-up of things
that are going to come in the next two films, but they try and shoehorn in some
action pieces. Some of those worked for me, some of them didn’t.
The acting performances
throughout aren’t amazing, but they’re not bad either. I thought Martin Freeman
(BBC’s Sherlock) did a really good job as Bilbo Baggins, especially
later on in the film, I really think he hits his stride with the riddle scene
with Gollum and thereafter.
But I wouldn’t say I
loved this movie, by any stretch of the imagination. And we’ll get to this
later, but we saw this film in the new HFR format…
We saw this in the format that Peter Jackson intended it to be seen in.
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Martin Freeman (center) stars as Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, previously portrayed by Ian Holm in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings trilogy |
Exactly. And they’re calling it High Frame Rate, which is fine. It was filmed
and projected at 48 frames per second as opposed to the traditional 24 frames
per second. But we’ll dive into that more later, but I’ll say this real quick –
I didn’t like it at all. I hated it, to be more precise. But we’ll get to that
later. Now…what did you think of the
Yeah….…I didn’t like it. Like…the more I think about it? There are moments that
I liked. There are moments…but as a whole I’m very disappointed. I’m extremely
What exactly about it left you disappointed?
So, let me say this: I’m not holding it up against the standard of the book.
Peter Jackson took liberties with the original three movies and they turned out
great! He took liberties with this one, too, so I’m not holding this film up
and comparing it against the book. But I am holding it up against his previous
work. I’m holding it in standard to the Lord of the Rings trilogy…and it paled in comparison.
But is it fair to compare it only to the first trilogy and not the book when that’s the source material?
Right, right. And I understand that…but I’m beginning to think now that the
source material for this movie was not the strongest. It’s a children’s story,
and I think it’s how Jackson handled it…he really kind of butchered it in my
The book was a bedtime story…
Yes! I was read this book at night by my father!
Exactly, it’s a bedtime, nighttime story. That is why Tolkien wrote it, but
Jackson is trying to turn it into…
An epic. Bigger than it was intended to be. But it’s not just that. The source
material, I understand, maybe didn’t have a whole lot to work with. He’s
pulling stuff from other places, most notably the appendices of the “Lord of
the Rings” books.
It’s the details of the
movie…like I HATED the high frame rate with a fiery passion.
Do you want to talk about that now?
No, I just want to give you an overview. We’ll get into why, but I hated that
all of the goblins and orcs are all motion-capture now. It didn’t look like
there was anybody in makeup! No one! Except for a few characters, all the bad
guys were digital. It kills me that
none of the goblins were in makeup. There was maybe one.
I can only recall a couple of the orcs being real guys, those two orcs who are
hunting the company during the first half of the movie. I think they were real
dudes, because I could see their contact lenses.
You totally could. He, and his toady, who both report to Azog…yeah. So there
were two! But for the most part all of the orcs and goblins are motion capture.
Well and not even motion capture, I’m sure a lot of them are just straight up
Oh for sure. And it made me so upset. That was one of the reasons why the
original movies did such an amazing job, was because there was the feeling of
some authenticity to them. There were real actors playing characters that don’t
exist, and they did a phenomenal job.
And I understand, you
know, that the first movies highlighted Weta Workshop’s ability to do makeup
and props and prosthetics amazingly well. I understand that. They did a
phenomenal job. This time they highlighted Weta’s digital workshop. It’s like
Jackson went from one side of doing things to the extreme opposite. And you
lose something with the actors.
In the fight scenes? You
lose some of the intensity because they’re not actually fighting another human
being. Well, they ARE fighting someone real, but then they remove the motion
captured actors and have the main characters do it again without anyone there.
And there’s a certain feel to it, and it’s tough to describe…
It’s almost like pure animation.
Yeah. It’s tough to describe in spoken word or written word right now, you
really kind of would have to see it to know what we’re talking about, but
especially with the new high frame rate…just a lot of the times it’s far too
obvious that someone is a CGI character.
Especially the Great Goblin.
Well the Great Goblin, Azog…
Two of the BIGGEST bad guys in the film and it’s soooo obvious that they’re
computer generated, and it’s not good.
The trolls? Same deal.
And the trolls are iconic characters in these books! It’s an iconic scene and
they butchered it, and I hate that.
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Real quick, because I don’t think they butchered it per se, but why do you say
that they did, using that specific term?
I understand that they wanted to give Bilbo more of a part in that scene to
prove his worth to the group. But the way that it’s done in the book, where it
really plays into the trolls’ stupidity where Gandalf is really behind the
scenes doing the voices of each troll to throw them off to kill time…
Yeah, they didn’t do that at all.
They didn’t do it AT ALL. And the fighting in the movie during that scene? They
don’t fight the trolls in the books at all, either. They set a booby-trap for
them with Bilbo, and they scoop them up and put them into bags in like five
minutes flat. There’s no fighting…so that really bothered me.
Well and that’s one of the fight scenes they shoehorned in, I agree.
Yeah! It was unnecessary. Just totally unnecessary.
Just a second ago we were talking about how a lot of the bad guys were digital.
While that’s a downside visually and it really upset you, when we were on the
podcast that our readers can listen to later, something that did come up was how
the production span of the first three movies was like eight years. That’s a
fact. It took eight years from start to finish doing The Lord of the Rings
And this one took what? Two years? Two and half? And it shows.
It’s pretty obvious, because so much of it is computer generated.
It’s easily done. And now it makes sense when we go back and watch Jackson’s
video blogs during production and he talks about how they created an entire
department for the digital characters. And it shows, to a detriment. Because
there was enough a mix in the original three, but I think that’s what kept it…
Well there were still a ton of people in makeup mixed in with CGI armies in the
backgrounds. You’d see a battle with a lot of guys on horses…a lot of those
people in the main shot were real, or at least felt real, and then the REST of
the army was digital and those were mainly in wider shots, so you couldn’t
really tell.
That’s not the case
here. A lot of the fight scenes are very tightly shot…
And almost all digital.
So…do we want to finish our pros and cons before tackling the high frame rate
stuff? Because there were some good things I liked about it.
Let’s finish our pros and cons first.
Alright. There were some things I liked about this movie. The one place where
the motion capture has definitely improved, by leaps and bounds and is just
amazing, was the Gollum scene.
Gollum was terrifying! He’s much scarier in this than he ever was in the
original three. And he is, in general, just because of the setting with the
creepy underwater cave, it’s a creepier scene to begin with. I’d actually have
my dad skip over that part when he read it to me at night because it scared me.
They bring that scene to
life in this movie. It’s the one place where I didn’t mind the high frame rate
because it literally felt like we were looking at another live character. Like,
it was Gollum was a real thing interacting with Martin Freeman.
Exactly. The high frame rate and CGI, for that particular scene, it’s almost as
if Jackson said, while making the movie, “We gotta make Gollum look kick-ass.
The rest of it…whatever.” It’s very obvious that they put a lot of work into
Gollum, because you’re absolutely right. He looked like a real live character.
We were just watching The
Two Towers the other week in preparation for the podcast appearance
and, granted the movie is ten years old now, but you look back and a lot of the
time with Gollum you can see the outline – especially in Blu-ray – where the
digital character meets the physical world.
You don’t get that at
all here, especially with the high frame rate. We’re gonna see this in normal
frame rate on Friday…
So we’ll see how it holds up.
Or we’ll see if there’s a difference. But here? It looked fantastic!
It was amazing. It was scary, and they have SO improved on capturing Andy
Serkis and really expanding on the character of Gollum in general. I mean, you
did see the two sides of Gollum in the original trilogy. You definitely saw the
two sides, like your favorite scene in The Two Towers where he’s fighting
with himself, which is one of my favorite scenes as well.
But here? You know, in
the first films Gandalf talks to Frodo and Frodo says, “Pity Bilbo didn’t kill
him when he had the chance.” And Gandalf goes, “Pity? It was pity that stayed
Bilbo’s hand.” You actually see and understand that now. They brought it to the
screen beautifully, because they really show the internal struggle between
Gollum and Sméagol.
He’s straight up insane. He’s been down in the Misty Mountains for hundreds of
years, right?
Almost six-hundred years old.
With nobody else but the ring, so obviously his personality has cracked, and we
saw that. But you really get an even better sense because this film has
unadulterated, unfiltered crazy Gollum. Like…he wants to kill Bilbo…
Well it’s definitely like in the book. In the book they talk about it’s this
child versus the evil puppeteer. So when it’s Sméagol, this child-like
character, you see the pity, and they capture it in his eyes. This character is
not a two-dimensional character (no pun intended); he IS Andy Serkis. He’s an
actor in the film, and it’s phenomenally done.
Not only that, but hands-down, the Gollum riddle scene is the best scene in the
entire movie. That’s not even a question, it just is.
No question.
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Even though we hated the High Frame Rate presentation (for reasons we'll get to) we have to admit that it helped Gollum look amazing. The best part of the movie, bar none. |
And not just because Gollum looks great and Andy Serkis does great, but Martin
Freeman does a great job playing off of him, and they managed to take the dialogue
from the book almost exactly word-for-word to the screen. The riddles are
exactly the same, the set-up is almost exactly the same…
Eh…not really…
I don’t mean like how Bilbo finds the ring…
Well and how he gets there, too.
True. They do change that and that irked us. But I meant like when Bilbo
actually finally comes across Gollum and they wind up playing the riddle game.
So that whole thing…and they show this in one of the trailers or commercials,
but to me the best line in the whole movie is when Gollum is arguing with
himself and his Gollum side asks, “And if it loses? What then?” And Sméagol
responds with, “Well…if it loses, precious, then we eats it!” Then he turns to
Bilbo and says…
“If Baggins loses, we eats it whole!” [laughs]
It’s the best scene, and that’s the best line, in the whole film! There’s
another one later that’s pretty good, too…
There are some good ones, but that’s the best scene in the movie, hands down.
And it should be…
But it shows that they totally focused more attention to that scene than the
rest of the film, at least in our opinion.
And what we mean is that everything else in the movie kind of pales in
comparison. I mean, I’m glad they took so much time to do that scene right
because it’s my favorite scene in the book, so I’m glad they handled it this
They certainly did it justice.
But the rest of the movie, I agree with you, I felt let down and I’m not even a
superfan of it.
The problem with it is…I felt like they only reason they put so much effort and
so much emphasis on that scene is because it connects it to the first trilogy.
I felt like they put a lot of the reset of the movie on the wayside, and I feel
like it’s because they were like, “Oh well this is just The Hobbit, you kind of
know what happens, but THIS is the iconic scene…THIS is the reason that the
other three happen!” And I feel like they miss the point.
They miss that this is a
story about a character that is incredibly brave and courageous and…you know, I
feel like the only time they actually show that is when Bilbo rejoins the crew
and he says, “You’re right. I miss my books. I miss my chair. I miss my garden.
That’s my home. You don’t have a home, but I will help you take it back if I
can.” I think that line encompasses who Bilbo is.
Well yeah, that’s what the entire book is all about. And that’s the second best
line in the movie, in my opinion.
Yeah, and…just…ugh. This is really bumming me out.
Here are some other pros for me, real quick. I felt like they did a better job
with all the dwarves than I was expecting, simply from the aspect of knowing
who was who throughout the film. I myself was able to go, “Okay, that’s Gloin,
that’s Fili, that’s Kili, that’s Bofur, you know?”
I didn’t think I was going to be able to do that so well in this movie because
there’s so many of them. So I felt like the actors themselves, and the
filmmakers, too, did a good job of differentiating themselves physically enough
to where I was able to tell who was who.
But there are still a
couple that I wasn’t able to remember who they were, like the one who has to
hold the thing to his ear to help him hear better? I don’t remember who that
Gloin, maybe?
That wasn’t Gloin, no, he had these little blue things in his beard and a scar
over his left eye.
Oh yeah!
So see? A couple of them did stand out to me, others not so much. I thought Ian
McKellen (X-Men) did a great job again, but you can definitely tell he’s
older. He even sounds a little different.
Well yes and no…
You can definitely tell, thanks to the high frame rate, that he’s aged. He
still did well, though.
Definitely. I don’t know, that didn’t bother me. You can tell…the worst, I
thought, was Ian Holm (The Fifth Element). I understand why
they brought him back, but I don’t get why they thought it was totally
necessary. Actually, you know what? I don’t understand their decision to make
the prologue of the movie set in the time it is.
I understand why they brought him back. He makes much more sense than the next
part, which again I understand, but I didn’t like that they brought back Elijah
Wood (Celeste & Jesse Forever) to cameo as Frodo.
Yes! Because Elijah looks a lot different, you can tell he’s older…he was basically
a kid when they did The Lord of the Rings and he’s definitely a man now. He’s very
much thinned out, he’s lost his baby fat…
It’s just that I thought – and again, I get why they did it, I just disagree
with the decision – where they set the prologue for this film as being set
during the very start of Fellowship of the Ring. They set it
right before the party in that movie.
It’s the day of the party, you’re right.
Again, I understand why they did it, I just don’t think it was a great move.
I don’t think so either.
Another pro, I thought Hugo Weaving and Cate Blanchett did well reprising their
roles from the first films.
That was my only other pro, was that scene between the White Council. It’s not
in the book, they shoehorned that in, not sure where they pulled it from
because it’s not in the book at all, that’s NOT how they leave Rivendell…but I
felt that it was a good scene. I like Cate Blanchett’s Galadriel, I think she
does an amazing job. I thought it was one of the more beautiful scenes as far
as…if they didn’t MOVE around, it looked good. Otherwise…
And most of the time they didn’t!
Most of the time they didn’t, which was good. Because Elves don’t tend to move
a lot unless they need to, but that was one of the scenes where the high frame
rate threatened to ruin the scene that I’m sure looks much better in a normal
frame rate.
The last pro I can think of is that I liked the Stone Giants fighting. At least
how the actual Stone Giants looked. Now this is how I feel about this scene,
and I could be wrong, but Guillermo del Toro was originally supposed to direct
this film and even after he dropped out as director he still had some credit as
a screenwriter and producer…the Stone Giants felt very much like Guillermo del
It definitely had del Toro’s fingerprints on it.
I loved that part.
I’m glad you brought that scene up, because it’s a good segue way into what I’m
going to dub, “Why We Hate 48 Frames Per Second on the Big Screen.”
Yes! [laughs]
That scene was one of the ones I despise the most because of the high frame
rate. Here’s why: 48 frames per second helps when fast moving scenes are
happening on the screen, because normally things might look a tad blurry in the
normal 24 frames per second. Well, what the hell does it matter if the action
scenes are done in slow motion???
That scene would’ve
definitely been a bit blurry at a slower frame rate but…
I don’t think that it’s so much that the scene was in slow-motion but more that
the giants were so big that when they moved about it looked like they were
moving slow.
Maybe, but that’s not the only part that slow-motion is used though. The entire
backstory of when the dwarves fought the orcs at Moria? Awful! It was slow
motion and looked SO fake. BUT, even in the fast scenes, like when the whole
company is fighting in the Misty Mountains – and also with Radagast the Brown
riding around on rabbits – it turned those scenes and made them look like a video
game. It was appalling.
I understand why Jackson
did it, I understand why he thought it would look good in 3D, because so many
people complain about regular 3D giving them headaches or motion sickness
because of the blurriness…but this was awful.
Here’s my thing: you’re absolutely right. In case our readers don’t know, the
reason Peter Jackson shot this movie in 48 frames per second was because he was
going to shoot it in 3D and as you said, a lot of people don’t like 3D because
too much action makes things look blurry or it hurts their eyes.
So his thinking was to
shoot it in 48 frames per second, which literally means that, thinking in terms
of an actual film reel and film projector, it would be like 48 frames on the
reel passing through and being projected on the screen for each second.
Normally it’s only 24 frames per second, so with the rate being doubled the
idea is that the picture would be clearer.
When stuff is happening on the screen, like a lot of action, there won’t be as
much blur and it shouldn’t strain your eyes as much.
To an extent…that sort
of worked. But the downside is that every single moment that there isn’t
something action-packed going on the screen – say it’s Bilbo just talking to
Gandalf in the Shire, or Galadriel talking to Gandalf at Rivendell – stuff like
that when its movements are more normal paced? It looks FAR too realistic,
especially in 3D.
The opening scene of the
film is an older Bilbo walking around his house, and it IMMEDIATELY looks like
he’s walking on a set. You feel like you’re there on the set with him. Like you
said to me during the movie, it looks like you’re watching a play instead of a
movie because it looks like you’re able to clearly see the set. And it kinda
looks like the actors are RIGHT THERE.
Which is kind of cool, to be fair. It’s kind of neat.
But it felt incredibly fake.
Here’s what high frame rate did: it stripped away ALL of the movie magic.
The reason we go to the movies? To feel like we’ve escaped the real world for a
bit and can immerse ourselves in a fictional place? It took that away, and it
kind of broke my heart a little bit. It was almost like seeing a Disney
character at a theme park with his head off.
It has a total glass-shattering effect.
Before the movie started, the theatre manager tried to explain to the crowd
what HFR stood for and what they could expect to see on the screen, and one of
the things he said was that he kind of looks like a documentary. And when there
are those big, sweeping landscape shots? Those epic shots of mountains and
stuff? He’s absolutely right.
It felt like we were watching National Geographic or something.
Now don’t get me wrong, those types of shots look GREAT…
They’re beautiful!
But it doesn’t feel like a movie. It feels like a documentary and it just
doesn’t feel right when you have those kinds of shots that include the dwarves
and company running across the land. Then it totally feels weird and out of
place. There’s one shot in particular where Thorin Oakenshield is standing on
the top of a peak, he’s carrying his sword or something, the camera is moving
around him…and the exact thought that popped in my head was, “That looks like a
man standing on a mountain while wearing a ridiculous costume.”
It doesn’t look like a
movie character. More than anything it looked like I was looking at a really
realistic shot of Richard Armitage (Captain America: The First Avenger)
playing dress-up. You’re absolutely right, things like that ruined the magic.
Even the action scenes don’t look like a movie, they look like a combination of
a real guy being there with a lot of CGI around him.
And then the slower
moving scenes, like a shot of Galadriel touching Gandalf’s hand? If you’ve ever
seen a television that has TrueMotion turned on to reduce the normal blur you
see on TV, and that TrueMotion is turned all the way up? That’s what those
kinds of scenes look like.
I like to think of those scenes as looking like a BBC show. But yeah,
TrueMotion is exactly what it looked like.
And I HATE looking at a TV with TrueMotion on!
Oh I know you do! We both hate it because it doesn’t look right. If we go over
to a friend’s house and they have TrueMotion turned on and they don’t notice,
we say something! Like, “You know the TrueMotion is on, right?”
And that’s what HFR looks like. It doesn’t look natural. I hope for the sake of
movie history and filmmaking that most people reject HFR. People might go and
see this in HFR because they’re intrigued by it, and then hopefully they go,
“That sucks.” Hopefully no one does this ever again.
Here’s the thing: I’m a little concerned. I don’t like the 3D phenomenon…
I don’t like it either, but it does work in some cases.
It works in some cases, but I really don’t like it. Yet it still took and
everyone was like, “Oh we need to make our movies 3D! That will be the next big
thing in movies!” I’m worried that’s what will happen with high frame rate
3D took hold in movies because studios and theatres could charge more money for
them and make more money, not because they truly thought post-converted 3D
looked amazing.
You’re right.
Now, stuff that is SHOT in 3D like Prometheus, Avatar, ParaNorman…
Those are good.
3D works beautifully for those. But post-converted things like Transformers:
Dark of the Moon or Clash of the Titans, stuff like
that? 3D doesn’t work.
But this movie was shot in 3D, right?
Yes, but in the high frame rate. That said, the 3D works, you see the depth of
So there is the option to see this movie in a normal frame rate, right?
Yes. You can go see The Hobbit in normal frame rate, yes. And we suggest that you
do that, readers.
We highly encourage that you not see this movie in HFR. Actually, I think
that…can you see this movie in the normal frame rate in 3D?
Of course, we’re doing that on Friday when we see it in IMAX.
Okay, because this movie has the good 3D, the kind that falls back. It’s
correctly done that way.
And we assume that seeing this in a version that’s not HFR will make it look
like a movie should.
I’m hoping.
Because one of the best things about the original films was that they had a
certain look and feel to them. This didn’t have that. It looked far too real,
far too bright, there were too many times that you could tell a dwarf was
wearing a fake beard, you could see Ian McKellen’s contact lenses…
Oh, see I missed all that. I think that’s because I was looking around the
screen for anything that didn’t look fake.
Then scenes like when they’re at Rivendell or a forest somewhere, you can tell
where the real parts of the set are and where the CGI stuff starts. It just
doesn’t look good. I want to know why Peter Jackson did this, looked at it and
then went, “Yes! This is exactly what I wanted! This looks great!” That’s what
I want to know. Again, I know WHY he did it, but I want to know why it thought
it looked awesome. Because it’s not.
If this is the future of
movies? Things are in trouble, but that’s a totally different column we could
talk about later.
And that would break my heart.
The high frame rate looked great in the Gollum scene, but that’s because not a
whole lot of action is going on. It still looks like TrueMotion, but then it
goes back to an action scene and it looks like crap.
It bothered me that they shoehorned things in but left out other things…like
the end bothered me. They put all of this information in, you get introduced to
a character in the movie who doesn’t even come in to play until the climax of
the book…
Who’s that?
Azog. He doesn’t come in to the book until the Battle of Five Armies. He’s a
big deal in the Battle of Five Armies, but they wanted to set up some malice
between him and Thorin in the movie. I understand that they wanted to add more
action scenes, but I think that’s crap.
And the action scenes they have are way too long!
It’s all crap. It’s awful.
The fighting while the company escapes from the Misty Mountains? That’s far too
And they butchered the scene with the wargs, because the wargs aren’t just some
stupid animal. They’re an intelligent creature, but that’s not how they’re
portrayed here. And then in the books when the Eagles save the group, they take
them to the Carrock, and that doesn’t happen in the film at all. All I wanted
to say is, “You’re trying to stretch these out into three movies, why cut out
that scene??? You could’ve added ten minutes!” I don’t understand why they
throw all this other crap in there and then leave out a part that actually
happens in the book.
Another thing they added in that I didn’t like? I sort of like that they’re
trying to bring in some darkness to the edge of the film to sort of set up what
happens in The Lord of the Rings, with Radagast the Brown and the Necromancer,
but it’s still not necessary.
And I’ll tell you, I don’t know if you noticed the White Council talking about
it, but Radagast lives in the Green Wood. And he says it’s becoming diseased,
and the council starts to refer to it as Mirkwood. Ok? Well Mirkwood is where
the company is headed! In the book, Mirkwood has BEEN Mirkwood for hundreds of
years! It’s not turning into the Mirkwood we see in the original films as this
group is walking there, it’s been Mirkwood and it’s been dark and evil for a
looong time. I hate that they’re trying to make it seem like the forest is
turning as this adventure goes along.
Again, they’re trying to shoehorn in The Lord of the Rings.
They are! Don’t do that!
This might work for a casual fan or movie-goer, but for a die-hard fan like
you? Obviously it’s bugging you, and I’m sure it will bug a bunch of other
people, too. And it sort of bugged me because I just didn’t find it necessary!
No! I don’t…
And if you’ve never read the book it’s still not necessary because then you
have no idea who Radagast is and probably have no investment in him. You don’t
know who the Necromancer is…
Yup! There is ONE connection between “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings.”
And that is the ring. Okay? In The Lord of the Rings, the ring is the bad guy.
In The Hobbit, it’s more of a useful tool. So it’s a very thin connector
between the two stories, and Jackson is trying to turn that thin string into a
steel chain. They are completely different stories and the filmmakers have taken
my beloved novel and decided to just treat it like a prologue. It kills me,
because The Hobbit isn’t supposed to just be a prologue to The
Lord of the Rings trilogy. I’m extremely disappointed.
I can tell. And let’s be honest, there’s no need for this to be three movies.
There just isn’t.
It should have been two.
They could have trimmed up a bunch of stuff like the dinner, they could have
gotten rid of the council and Radagast, just stick to the actual novel. All we
need is what happens in the novel.
Ok, let’s get to our
final thoughts.
I’m extremely disappointed. You know, if you’re a fan of the book or this
series, you should definitely see it in theatres. If you’re curious about
seeing it in 48 frames per second, you might as well satisfy that curiosity so
you know not to go to another one that comes out later on.
But I was extremely
disappointed…in the story, and really how it was all executed. I hate that. I
really hate that.
Will we be seeing the other two?
Of course, but with very tempered expectations.
And we are NOT going to see it in HFR.
Right now, the only reason I want to see the others is because of Benedict
Cumberbatch as Smaug.
I think this is one to see in theatres, too. But I do not think this will get
nearly the Oscar love that people might have expected. I was even let down by
Howard Shore’s score, especially when they took the dwarves theme and kind of
speed it up for battle scenes? I hated that. I don’t know…it just felt…
Martin Freeman and Gollum are by far the best part to me. But Gollum’s not even
going to be in the next two films, unless they shoehorn him in, too!
Right now, Beorn and Smaug are the only reasons I want to see the next one,
which makes me really sad. For as much as I did enjoy about this movie, like
taking some dialogue and voice-overs straight from the book, there’s far too
much of it that irked me to ruin it. I know I’m sounding like a whiny fan-girl,
but hopefully seeing it in IMAX 3D will make me like it a little bit more
FINAL VERDICT: A good way to kill a Saturday afternoon.
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(Individual Scores - S: 2.5/5 A: 3/5) |
Photo Courtesies: FilmoFilia, Collider, MTV, HitFix, Screen Rant
This makes me sad! I had high hopes. Although, after reading the book, I really was not sure how they were going to build it into 3 films.
ReplyDeleteStill looking forward to seeing it!
Definitely see it in regular 2D if you do see it!
DeleteThe whole way through I just felt like Jackson was taking me for a mug. The most cynical film exercise since The Phantom Menace in 3D. If the future of cinema means movies will look like Canadian soap operas it's a sad day.
ReplyDeleteIt absolutely feels like a cash grab at this point, especially now knowing how bloated the other two are going to be. And yes! It absolutely looks like a soap opera! That's another great way to describe the HFR!
DeleteGood, lengthy review lol. I have to ask though, did you take points off because of the 48 FPS? Like, rewatching it at 24 FPS, will your scores change?
ReplyDeleteWe did mark it down because of the 48 FPS because that was the version Jackson intended the audience to see it. That's how he shot it, that's how he wanted it shown. So it needs to be marked down if it didn't work, and we found that it was a negative.
DeleteWe see it again tonight in 24 FPS, and if it looks better that way, then so be it. Maybe we'll add a little positive marks to it, but that still won't be the INTENDED version Jackson had.